Tabrez Ahmad'sTechnolex

Tabrez Ahmad's Technolex

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Network of Law

The objective of the blog is to provide a fair analysis and awareness of legal issues in an easy way for the understanding of the people at large

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Challenges of Nuclear Energy

Due to the fast expanding requirements of every nation we cannot continue to rely primarily on fossil fuel for energy security. According to the Department of Nuclear Energy of the IAEA which makes two projections, one low and the other high, the world could see a significant shift in reliance to nuclear energy. It is revealed that the total production of electricity could vary from 447 GW(e) in 2030 (low projection) to 691 GW(e) in 2030 (high projection). Accordingly, by 2030, the increase in electricity production could be 25 percent or 93 percent respectively. Further, by this time, the number of countries generating nuclear energy could increase from the present 30 to 50.

The disastrous effect on climate that the use of fossil fuels and beget, their exhaustible nature and the absence of any other viable alternative that could satisfy the fast growing energy needs of the world striving to achieve economic growth have propelled the reversal of the policy of abandoning nuclear energy as the focus of the future. The decision by India govt. is also the same. But the greatest challenge is safety and security. Due to the increasing dependence on atomic energy, it would be imperative for both the operators and regulators to create a culture of highest levels of  energy management and safety.While operators have been entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the highest safety standards, the regulators ensure that they are followed without any deviations and undertake their obligations. In order to operate at efficient level, it is must to have the required engineering, financial, and management capability to built, manage, operate and follow the highest safety standards.

The operators and regulators in the entire world function under a global nuclear safety regime. The regime is a collective international enterprise that sets safety parameters for all the operators and regulators, monitoring the progress and safety measures in place, and building competence among them. The adoption of higher safety standards by individual countries will not only enhance the credibility of the global regime but will also help in assuaging the fear of the civilian population to the establishment of nuclear plants. Now it is the need of hour that every nuclear power should ensure the adoption of safety measures.

As the technical assistance is provided by various international organizations like IAEA, NEA and WANO for the upgradation of safety standards. India requires to modify its regulatory structure and norms to make the generation of nuclear energy safe and viable. As the prospects for nuclear energy development in India and the possible trajectory India's civilian nuclear energy programme could take a survey of the best international practices relating to safety, security, liability, management and ENR transfer operations and suitable recommendations there for the existing legal and institutional structures in India and the need to build a nuclear regime in the country that would be more responsive and accountable to the concerns and needs of the public. Now there is great need that Indian government should enact a nuclear liability Law to make India a partner in the international nuclear energy regime.

Source: IDSA Task Force Report. Development of Nuclear Energy Sector in India ( )

4th Dr. Paras Diwan Memorial National Energy Law Moot Court Competition; 3 - 6 April 2014.

Dear Sir/Madam,
It gives us immense pleasure to invite your esteemed institution to participate in the 4th Dr. Paras Diwan Memorial National Energy Law Moot Court Competition 2014 which will be held from 3 - 6 April 2014.
This flagship Moot Court Competition is conducted every year to commemorate the legendary      Dr. Paras Diwan, a renowned legal luminary, acclaimed jurist, and a writer par excellence. The competition seeks to sensitize the law students to the developing domain in Energy Law and policy, both national and international and provide a platform to students to understand the complex and emerging issues involved therein.
We request you to kindly nominate a team of three students of the undergraduate law programme of your institution to participate in the competition.
You may confirm your participation by mailing us at The duly filled in registration forms should be sent by e-mail along with a scanned copy of the DD of Rs. 3500/- on or before 21 February 2014. In addition, kindly post (Speed/Registered) the original registration forms along with the DD which must reach us on or before 7 March 2014. The maximum number of teams that can be accommodated for the competition is 20 based on defined criteria.
For further details regarding the Moot Competition, Moot Problem and the rules, kindly visit the website of our university (visit the Events page).
We look forward to your participation.

For any further queries you may contact:

Harsh Vardhan Singh:+ 91 9045452789

Aditya Prasad Palai: +91 7895181554

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Tabrez Ahmad,
Professor & Associate Director,
Chairman-4th Dr. Paras Diwan

 National Energy Law Moot Court Competition