Tabrez Ahmad'sTechnolex

Tabrez Ahmad's Technolex

Technology, Education R&D, Consultancy,Hyperawareness,ODR,

Network of Law

The objective of the blog is to provide a fair analysis and awareness of legal issues in an easy way for the understanding of the people at large

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Making a Hate Community on Orkut is Defamation

A Pune based girl on September 8, 2008 was started a community on Orkut against Police Commissioner Satyapal Singh. The cyber cell of Pune police has approached Google for the details of the girl who was started the community “I hate Satyapal Singh”.
Police is trying to find out the purpose behind the community.
Community have 13 members and in the meantime, two members of the community have commented against the Pune police commissioner. The comments have been posted on October 9 and November 9, 2008.
The issue came up in question after the information about the community was recently published on a local news portal.Police have initiated an inquiry and have contacted Google in the US and asked for the IP address and other information to reach to the details of the person.

Starting and publishing such a hate community cause cyber defamation and it is a crime under Section 499 of IPC.It will also attract liability under sec. 42 and 72 of the Information Technology Act 2000.

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